
Male' City Council reveals plans to redesign the ramps on roads

Male' City Council has revealed plans to redesign the ramps constructed on roads after removing the wooden pallets from the streets of Male' City.

Speaking to PSM News, council member Ahmed Niyaz said the ramps would be designed in a way people with special needs can easily access. He added the first ramp was constructed as a test run to check the efficiency, revealing the ramps will be redesigned and constructed again.

Moreover, Niyaz stated the design is being reviewed following cycles parking on the ramps. Niyaz said the ramps were constructed as Maldives Police Service cannot monitor all the roads at once, highlighting the designs will be changed in a way cycles cannot be parked on it.

Over 1,200 palettes have been removed with the assistance of Maldives Police Service, according to Male' City Council.