Ambassador of China to Maldives Zhang Lizhong has denied reports of plans to establish a Chinese military base in Maldives.
Both countries have maintained outstanding and friendly military cooperation, expressed Chinese Ambassador Zhang Lizhong, adding establishing military bases is not a precondition for normal military cooperation. The ambassador further highlighted the numerous visits and programmes conducted by both countries.
Furthermore, noting China offered various military training programmes for Maldives annually, Ambassador Zhang Lizhong revealed such training programmes will be provided in the future as well. In this regard, assuring close cooperation and friendly ties, the ambassador highlighted a sea ambulance was granted to Maldives recently. Zhang Lizhong said a well-established military relation will further enhance the bilateral ties between the countries.
Meanwhile, Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid and Minister of Defence Mariya Ahmed Didi have also assured there are no plans to establish a foreign military base in Maldives.