
Finalisation of findings of MDHS 2016-2017 begins

Ministry of Health has begun finalising the report for the second round of Maldives Demographic and Health Survey (MDHS). The Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) is an internationally recognized survey aimed at determining the demographic and health situation of countries. The survey is conducted every 5 years or within a period of a country's choosing.

In the Maldives, the first DHS was conducted in 2009, making the 2016-2017 survey, the 2nd survey of its kind. The survey was conducted in accordance with international standards and technical assistance was provided throughout various phases of the survey, from survey design phase to final dissemination by ICF International, which is a global consulting and technology services company.

Health ministry, in collaboration with ICF international, is currently finalising the report of DHS 2016-2017 for the second round of MDHS. The 10-day "Maldives Demographic and Health Survey Report Finalization Workshop" is taking place between September 30 and October 11 at SHE Building in Male' City. The main objective of the workshop is to produce a final, edited, and corrected version of the preliminary report and the final report of the survey with the input of all stakeholders before dissemination. Also, by the end of the workshop, the participants will have a thorough knowledge on facilitating the dissemination of MDHS 2016-2017 in the Maldives.

The MDHS 2016-2017 is a nationally representative survey of mainly 14-45 aged men and women and provides current health situation in several areas including, marriage and sexual activity, fertility, fertility preference, family planning, infant and child mortality, reproductive health, child health, nutrition of children and adults, HIV/AIDS-related knowledge, violence against women, other health issues and early childhood development. The report also includes biomarker and anaemia measurements for children.

The policymakers and programmed planners would use the findings of this report, to formulate health policies and target health interventions to most needed population groups or issues, with the aim of reducing health inequities and improving overall health and wellbeing of citizens of Maldives.