
66 religious scholars offer support to the president and his running mate

A picture circulated in social media portraying 66 religious scholars supporting President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom and his running mate Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has become very popular. The picture commented by many public figures and individuals consists mostly of religious scholars who have previously raised concerns and condemned the actions of former President Mohamed Nasheed defaming the Islam and the Holy Quran.
In 2013, following concerns of the increased amount of unreligious comments and statements by Mohamed Nasheed, 64 of 66 religious scholars published a book detailing his unreligious actions and calling him to follow the Islamic principles.
Meanwhile, the religious scholars have backed the decision of President Yameen to appoint renowned religious scholar as his running mate for the upcoming presidential election, adding the selection shows the importance attached by President Yameen to enhance the Islamic faith in the country.