
Sina-Male’ Bridge symbolises the biggest achievement in the development history of Maldives: President

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has stated the Sina-Male’ Bridge symbolises the biggest achievement in the development history of Maldives. Addressing the ceremony held to officially inaugurate the Sina-Male’ Bridge, President Yameen expressed the bridge can be a testament to greater things that could be achieved in a globalised world.
The President noted there was a time construction of a bridge was thought to be beyond the economic and engineering resources available to the Maldives. Highlighting thousands of people crossing 1 kilometre of water every day, several times, kept Maldivians hoping and dreaming big, the president said his resolve was to fit-in the most crucial but missing piece of development strategy of Maldives. The president added priorities were to enable the government to deliver the conveniences of modern-day living and to equip the people with tools to build for themselves, better lives. The president said he believes everyone is not only equal, but everyone is of equal opportunity.
Furthermore, President Yameen said the inauguration of the bridge eases the 21-year long transportation hurdles to Hulhumale’. The president said he ran for office having pledged that he will prioritise the people and youth as a young population group. He noted, after just 3 years and 11 months, Maldives is elated to inaugurate Sina-Male’ Bridge.
The president further noted China has been a willing partner to support Maldives in its developmental agenda. He extended wishes Maldives to be respected for its sovereignty and its constitution, reiterating the rule of law and its institutions cannot be compromised.
On conclusion, President Yameen appreciated the assistance and support provided by the government of China and especially President of China Xi Jinping.