
High momentum of ICT sector must be maintained: Experts

Experts of the information communication sector have noted the success of the sector in Maldives, highlighting the importance of maintaining the pace of development in the sector.
The information communication sector is developing at a fast pace in Maldives, Chief Commercial Officer of Public Service Media (PSM) Ibrahim Nasreen stated speaking at the panel discussion, "My Nation, My Future". Nasreen noted the development of the information communication sector at such a pace paves way for many opportunities in the creative industry of the country, adding it is important to maintain the pace of development. Further, he said the momentum of information technology in Maldives will only be kept if the country is adapting to the latest technologies.
Meanwhile, panellists described the introduction of tablets in schools and digitalising the education system as a major step forward to achieve the objectives. In this regard, the Executive Director of Islanders Group of Companies Mohamed Shamheel noted the introduction of tablets will also enhance the interest of students.
Moreover, the government of Maldives has embarked on providing affordable high-speed internet to all households under the smart city concept. Talking on the topic, Economic transformation-the digital frontier, Founder and Managing Director of Pro Designers Private Limited Edham Rasheed said access to high speed internet will enhance the education system dynamically and solve many issues faced in terms of multimedia in the country.