
Installation of systems needed for runway operation in progress: MACL

Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) has revealed installation of systems needed for the operation of the new runway at Velana International Airport (VIA) is nearing completion.
Efforts are currently underway to install Instrument Landing System (ILS), along with a localiser antenna, in addition to the construction of an equipment shelter, according to MACL. ILS enables pilots to conduct an instrument approach to landing if they are unable to establish visual contact with the runway, while an equipment shelter is used to store equipment needed for the safe run of the runway.
The expansion of VIA is one of the largest projects conducted by the government of Maldives. The one billion dollar mega expansion project will see the development of a 3,400 metre long and a 65 metre wide runway which can accommodate the largest aircraft. The expansion project is developed aiming to increase the current 4.5 million passenger capacity airport to cater to 7.5 million passengers.