
Health Minister notes importance of sea ambulance to Maldives

Minister of Health Abdulla Nazim Ibrahim has expressed the importance of the sea ambulance system initiated by the government to enhance the health sector of the country. The health minister made the statement while addressing the ceremony held to hand over the sea ambulances to the government by Ooredoo Maldives.
The sea ambulance fleet operated in Maldives has been increased to 29 with the sea ambulances handed over by Ooredoo Maldives, Minister of Health Abdulla Nazim Ibrahim noted addressing the ceremony.
Health minister highlighted the sea ambulance is an important tool to enhance the health sector of the country to provide better health services in the country. Noting that many hurdles are faced due to islands being geographically dispersed in Maldives, health minister said government despite all those hurdles has initiated efforts to provide adequate health services. In this regard, the minister stated the sea ambulance service is well received by the public.
During the ceremony, Ooredoo Maldives handed over two sea ambulances to the government of Maldives attaching importance to the social responsibility of the company. The two sea ambulances can hold up to 12 passengers at a time and consist of two patient beds. It is also installed with a state of the art navigation system, including a radar and a VHF antenna. It is also equipped with two oxygen tanks.
Moreover, Ooredoo Maldives revealed plans to donate two more sea ambulances to the government. The Chairman of Ooredoo expressed social responsibility is prioritised by the company.
The ceremony was attended by Minister of Economic Development Mohamed Saeed, Vice Chief of Defence Force Brigadier General Ahmed Shahid and CEO of Ooredoo Maldives Najib Khan.