Auditor General's Office has commenced the second edition of the Maldives Accountants Forum (FAM). The three-day forum is the national platform for all the professional auditors and accountants to discuss and deliberate on matters of mutual interest with the industry stakeholders and regulators.
Speaking at the opening ceremony of the forum, Minister of Economic Development Mohamed Saeed highlighted the free trade policy by saying the reason for the Free Trade Agreement with China is due to the lack of income from the exported goods of Maldives. Free trade policy eases the exportation of goods from Maldives to China, stated the Minister.
The Minister also stated Maldives should also focus on products from mariculture and aquaculture instead of just fish products. In addition, Minister Saeed stressed the importance of the forum as the accounting sector has seen rapid development in Maldives.
The forum is targeted for practising auditors, accountants in business, regulators, business community and academia. Participants will be given the opportunity to attend keynote sessions delivered by experienced and renowned speakers as well as the technical presentations and discussions from the experts.