
Nomination for president's national award for special achievement opens

Special Awards Committee has opened nominations for President's National Award for Special Achievement.
The details of the awarding criteria have now been published in the Government Gazette, according to the President's Office.
President's National Award for Special Achievement will be presented on achieving an outstanding accomplishment in attaining the highest academic qualification in the Maldives National Qualifications Framework, achieving the highest rank in an academic or skill training course, achieving the highest rank in an international exhibition or competition and achieving a recognisable accomplishment in resolving or tackling a challenge faced by the Maldives through innovativeness or an educational research.
The Special Awards Committee revealed it would conduct informational programmes regarding the Special Achievement Awards for the press. The deadline to submit the nomination forms for National Award for Special Achievement Award is May 31.
Recipients of the National Award for Special Achievement will be honoured at the official function to be held to mark the Independence Day.