
MRDC assigned to develop of runway of Kulhudhuffushi airport

Government of Maldives has assigned the construction of the runway and terminal of Kulhudhuffushi Airport to Maldives Road Development Corporation Limited (MRDC).

MRDC won the contract to develop the Kulhudhuffushi Airport by bidding the best proposal by beating off competition from Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC).

The Maldivian Government contracted the reclamation of land for the airport to MTCC which the company completed on 25th December, 2017. Under the reclamation project, 6 hectares has been reclaimed from the sea, with an additional 9 hectares reclaimed from the mangrove swamp.

The government has assured that the airport project would be carried out with minimal negative impact to the environment. The airport is expected to begin operations by mid-2018.