
Maldives states that SIDS must have a seat at UNSC

Maldives has expressed that Small Island Developing States (SIDS) must have a seat at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), noting that it is time United Nations respond to non-traditional security threats. Permanent Representative of Maldives to the United Nations Dr. Ali Naseer Mohamed made the statement during the UNSC Open Debate on Maintenance of International Peace and Security.

Delivering his statement, Ambassador Dr. Ali Naseer stated that it is time UNSC and United Nations General Assembly respond to climate change and other non-traditional security threats. In this regard, Ambassador noted that UNSC could present regular assessment reports that would serve as a type of early warning mechanism about such threats. It is important to indicate how the United Nations can take practical measures in responding to climate change and other traditional security threats, highlighted the Maldivian Ambassador.

Noting that small states are the most vulnerable to non-traditional and emerging security threats, the Ambassador expressed that it is necessary that small states, in particular, Small Island Developing States have a seat at the Council as the UNSC takes a more progressive view in considering such threats.

Maldives noted that only 8 SIDS served on the council in the past 72 years, and that Maldives is determined to give a voice to SIDS. Maldives expressed hope to get elected to the Council for the term 2019-2020, to represent SIDS on the Council, to contribute in shaping decisions that affect the smallest members of the international system, and to help the Council in forging meaningful partnerships that can result in crafting shared solutions for a shared destiny.