
HRCM says misuse of Freedom of expression must be stopped

President of Human Rights Commission of Maldives (HRCM) Dr. Aminath Eenas has stated that major plights have been caused in the society due to the misuse of the right of freedom of expression.

In the official statement released by HRCM on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, Dr. Aminath Eenas stated that freedom of expression is a right that is to be used to make authorities accountable but currently the Maldivian society does not depict such situations as this right have been misused at many instances to defame personals.

The President of HRCM stated that the Maldivian constitution ensures and preserves the human rights than most of the countries in the world and highlighted that this year has been a very fruitful year in the efforts to secure human rights in the nation. In this regard, Eenas highlighted that major constitutional changes have been brought into action within the past year such as the ratification of the Children Rights Act and the Juvenile Justice Bill. Eanas highlighted that Maldivian has always maintained its image as an exemplary nation of good values and best manners of respecting and friendship between each other but lately this image has been hindered.

In this regard, President of HRCM stated that all should restrain from obligating the boundaries of others rights while addressing issues of Freedom of Expression. Eanas concluded her statement by calling the all governmental, non governmental organisations and individuals to join hands with HRCM towards the goal of preserving and protecting human rights.