
Maldives at the highest peak of global acknowledgement

Minister of Environment and Energy Thoriq Ibrahim has stated that Maldives is currently witnessing its highest peak in global acknowledgement and the nation is now establishing itself as an exemplary small island developing state.

Addressing a gathering of Progressive Party of Maldives, the Environment Minister refuted claims that the nation is being globally sidelined and stated that Maldives is witnessing its highest peak of acknowledgement in the nation's history. Addressing the ceremony, Vice President of Progressive Party of Maldives, Abdul Raheem Abdulla stated that the opposition movement envies the development projects executed by the administration of President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom and in turn makes baseless accusations against the administration.


Meanwhile, Majority Leader of Parliament, Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik noted that President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has never favored any individual and has treated all citizens in the same regard. He stated that such an attitude and sincerity can only be witnessed from a true leader who works for the betterment of the nation.