
Maldives urges to make South Asia a business development hub

Addressing a panel discussion on challenges faced while expanding regional businesses at the 10th South Asia Economic Summit, Commissioner General of Customs Ibrahim Shareef Mohamed has stated that the customs services in every country have an important role to play in expanding and strengthening regional business.

In this regard, the Commissioner General of Customs stated that customs services in the region have cordial and friendly relations and said the challenges faced by regional business establishments need to be addressed. Commissioner General Ibrahim Shareef stressed that a mechanism needs to be developed through which knowledge and information can be exchanged between the South Asian countries.

In addition, the Customs Commissioner General of Maldives shed light on the efforts of customs services in modernising and digitalising the services provided. High-level dignitaries and experts from different sectors took part in the panel discussion on expanding regional businesses in the South Asian region.  

The three-day summit is organised by National Planning Commission and Ministry of Commerce of Nepal and South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics and Environment, with an aim to deepen economic integration and attain inclusive and sustainable growth in the sub-region. The main objective of the summit is to identify and prioritise challenges and opportunities in deepening regional economic integration for attaining goals of inclusive and sustainable growth for South Asia.

Over 200 delegates, including ministers, parliamentarians, government officials, diplomats, planners and think tanks from the South Asian countries are attending the summit.