
Fisheries Minister addresses the First One-by-One Tuna Fisheries

Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture of Maldives Dr. Mohamed Shainee has highlighted the Maldivian one-by-one fishing method, in his keynote speech at the First One-by-One Tuna Fisheries Conference held in Azores, Portugal. The Maldives gave the keynote speech in the conference, as the country is world renowned for its efforts to promote one on one fisheries and ensure sustainability. The Regional Secretariat for the Sea, Science and Technology, Government of the Azores is hosting the world's First One-by-One Tuna Fisheries Conference on Faial Island, from October 16 and 17, 2017.

Speaking during a keynote speech at the conference, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture of Maldives, Dr. Mohamed Shainee said that sustainability is synonymous to one-by-one fishing noting that it his wish for the method to be the one and only option for sustainability in the fisheries sector. Maldives fish products from one-by-one fisheries in international markets will be traceable from the ocean to the potion in a near future, said Minister Shainee in his speech.He said one-by-one fishing does not only sustain and support fish stocks but also communities, cultures and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Moreover, he noted that Maldives have maintained a strict policy on ban on commercial net fishing to ensure one-by-one fishing methods are preserved. One-by-by one fishing and sustainability is a way of life and highlighted that the socio-economic benefits of one-by-one fishing methods are unparalleled to other industrial forms of fishing, noted the Maldivian Fisheries Minister.

One-by-One Tuna Fisheries Conference brings together leaders from one-by-one tuna supply chains to share best practices, discuss solutions to shared challenges, evaluate the marketing potential of the social and economic dynamics of one-by-one fisheries, and explore collaborative ways to progress the sector. The event is being co-hosted by the International Pole and Line Foundation (IPNLF), the non-profit association that is committed to developing and supporting responsible one-by-one tuna fisheries and supply chains.

Fisheries Minister is on a tour, visiting different countries. His trip began from Spain, participating in the Scientific Tehcnical Committee Meeting of International Pole and Line Foundation in San Sebastian, Spain. His trip to Portugal to attend the One-by-One Tuna Fisheries Conference will be followed by a trip to United Kingdom to meet with retailers to get the best prices for Maldivian products as one of the most sustainable products available in the world market.