
Foreign Minister addresses at OIC annual meeting

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Mohamed Asim called on the Myanmar government to stop atrocities committed against the Rohingya Muslim community.

Addressing Annual Meeting of Organisation of Islamic Council (OIC), the Foreign Minister stated that the Maldivian Government condemns in its strongest terms the atrocities committed against the Rohingya Muslim community and in particular the recent cycle of violence that resulted in deaths and displacing many more. The Foreign Minister called on the Government of Myanmar to respect its human rights obligations under international law, international humanitarian law and human rights covenants. Foreign Minister Mohamed Asim stated that till date more than 380 thousand people have fled Myanmar and many more will follow. The Minister highlighted the importance of the Muslim Ummah to take appropriate steps to stop the genocide and ethnic cleansing against Rohingya Muslims.

In the Minister's statement, he highlighted the nationwide activities launched in Maldives to raise funds to help the Rohingya Muslims and further highlighted that the government of Maldives has ceased all trade ties with Myanmar, until it takes measures to prevent the atrocities being committed against Rohingya Muslims. The Foreign Minister also addressed on the situation of Palestine as the Israeli forces has been expanding illegal settlements, hindering the rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination. Minister Asim called on Israel to respect its international obligations, in particular the United Nations Security Council resolution 2334 and reiterated the call for a two-state solution recognising the sovereign and independent State of Palestine, based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Foreign Minister Asim highlighted that Islam is a religion of peace and harmony and has no place of terrorism and said that terrorism is a global phenomenon, for which preventive action lies in the domestic policies of countries. The Minister highlighted efforts by the administration of President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom to counter terrorism, such as; ratifying of Anti-Terrorism Act in 2015, and the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Act in 2014. The Foreign Minister highlighted that these acts would enable law enforcement agencies and the prosecuting authorities to specifically address foreign terrorist fighters and those providing financial or material support to terrorists or violent extremist organisations.

The Maldivian Minister further stated that President Yameen has also issued the State Policy on Terrorism and Violent Extremism, which led to the establishment of the National Counter Terrorism Centre in 2016, which is mandated to coordinate inter-agency efforts required to effectively counter terrorist acts. In the closing remarks, the Minister stated that Maldives has always stood by the ideals of Islam and would promote peace and tolerance over conflict.