
Maldives and China on the last stage to sign free trade agreement

Registrar of Companies, Maryam Visam has revealed that negotiations have concluded on the free trade agreement with China and contracts will be signed soon.

Speaking on Maldives Today TV programme aired on PSM News, the Registrar of Companies revealed that the that negotiations have concluded on the free trade agreement with China and added that the contracts will be signed as soon as Maldives and China sort out relevant matters regarding the agreement. Registrar of Companies, Maryam Visam noted that China is a global economic power and the free trade agreement will bring number of business opportunities for Maldives.

Registrar Visam described the free trade agreement as a huge milestone achievement for Maldives as well as the administration of President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, who aims to transform the economy of Maldives.

Speaking regarding the Maldives Retirement Pension Scheme, Visam said surprisingly, the mandatory saving system is the only saving system in Maldives and that the pension funds can be invested in the development of the country. She said that it is a huge fiduciary duty of Maldives Pension Administration Office to invest funds for the benefit of citizens and the country.