
Delegates of AIBD Conference goes on an excursion trip

The delegates of the Asia Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD) conference have gone on an excursion trip to the developmental areas of the greater Male' region. The excursion trip covered developmental major projects of Male', Hulhule' and Hulhumale'.

The AIBD conference which commenced on August 21 had its last event; the excursion day trip on the August 23. The excursion day activities which was organized by the event organiser of the conference Public Service Media (PSM) had visits to major developmental sites and offices of the greater Male' region. The excursion kick started with a tour of the national airport of Maldives, Velana International Airport.

In the tour, the delegates were provided with information about the newly developed sea plane port and the new runway. The information about these developments was delivered by the authorities who had a question and answer session at the end of the Airport Tour. In addition, the delegates were also given information on future developmental projects to be carried out at the airport.

The next stop of the excursion was the youth city, developed by the administration of President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom. At this stop, the delegates were given information by the developers of the Youth city, the housing development Corporation Limited (HDC). The officials of HDC revealed information regarding the developmental phases in the Hulhumale' region. The delegates also visited the central park of Hulhumale' which showcased the developmental housing units.

The last stop of the excursion was the dolphin and sunset cruise. The delegates were seen enjoying the cruise as they described this experience an out of the world experience.