
Maldives co-host discussion on islands against climate change

The Embassy of Maldives to the Kingdom of Belgium and the European Union together with the European Institute for Asian Studies in Brussels have hosted a panel discussion titled "Small Islands Leading the Battle Against Climate Change."

In his intervention, Maldivian Ambassador to the European Union; United Kingdom; Netherlands and Luxembourg, Ahmed Shiaan emphasised that though Small Island Developing States (SIDS) confront many challenges, they also enjoy many unique strengths. The Ambassador said that when those strengths are applied in a concerted and dedicated manner, they can help solve important problems, both at local level and at global level, for instance, the issue of global climate change.

img:|Panel discussion titled "Small Islands Leading the Battle Against Climate Change"

Ambassador Shiaan spoke about the vulnerabilities of small states and the challenges SIDS face politically and economically. He said 52 years ago, when Maldives, the first micro-state - applied for United Nations membership, some doubted its ability to survive and questioned its capacity to contribute.

During the exchange of views many congratulated and highlighted the leadership role Maldives plays on issues relating to the SIDS, especially its pioneering work on climate change.

The event was attended by over 120 people, which included students of the Dutch United Nations Student Association Utrecht (SIB-Utrecht), members of the diplomatic community, NGOs, academia, experts and media based in Brussels.