
Ensis Fisheries Private Limited has receives ISO certification

Ensis Fisheries Private Limited has received ISO certification.

Ensis Fisheries was awarded the ISO certificate during the Food and Hospitality Asia Maldives Expo held at Dharubaaruge convention centre. The certificate was handed to the company by Minister of Economic Development, Mohamed Saeed

Ensis received ISO 14001:2015 which is given to companies who are ready to protect the environment and who practice regulations to protect the environment in their company guidelines. ISO 14001:2015 was given in order to maintain Ensis Fisheries as a firm that creates its products under long term environmental friendly policies, according to Ensis. Earlier, Ensis received the Food Safety Certificate for maintaining food security and safety.

Ensis Fisheries is the major processor and exporter of tuna from Maldives. The company founded in 1996 has gained a strong reputation in the major markets of Europe as a reliable supplier of sustainable tuna from the Maldives Ocean.