
President receives Asia HRD Lifetime Achievement Award 2017

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has been awarded the Asia HRD Lifetime Achievement Award 2017.

The Asia HRD Lifetime Achievement Award was conferred to President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom in recognition of his outstanding contribution in nation building, people's development, and for the strength and support given to the growth of professionals. Maldivian Ambassador to Malaysia, Mohamed Fahmy Hassan received the award on behalf of the President at the ceremony held at Le Meridien Hotel, in Putrajaya, Malaysia on Tuesday night.

Upon receiving the award, President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom delivered an acceptance speech through a video link. In his speech the President said that he is honored, gratified and humbled for being award the Asia HRD Lifetime Achievement Award 2017. He acknowledged that conferring the award to him is an honor for the people of the Maldives, their resolves and their achievements and that he is accepting the award on behalf of the people of Maldives.  

President Yameen was selected for the award by an independent awards committee that was chaired by former Minister of Works of Bahrain, Fahmi Bin Ali Al Jowder, supported by a high profile international team tasked to the selection of the awardees.

The Asia HRD Awards is a celebration and recognition of virtuosos who contribute to people development, whether it is to the human resource profession, an organisation, the community or society at large. Each award honors individuals and organizations that have demonstrably enriched and made a lasting impact on people development and society.

Launched as an independent initiative in 2003 with just 5 recipients from 2 countries, the awards have now become a prestigious annual event with the Asia HRD Awards Hall of Fame honouring a total of 197 Recipients from 18 countries. The goal of the awards is to showcase achievements and develop best practices to further enrich the field of people development.

Over the years, the annual Awards Gala Dinner was hosted in various cities including Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Bahrain, Kuching, Bangalore and Dubai.