
President says economy transformed by transcending challenges

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom stated that Maldivian economy was transformed by transcending challenges and tapping into areas where the country has comparative advantages.

In an acceptance message delivered in absentia, President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom noted that the award is an acknowledgement of collective success. In the President's words, the milestones achieved in recent years should be attributed to the Maldivian spirit and to the many sacrifices made to attain a better future. The President also remarked that the award will stand as an incentive to upscale innovative change in the Maldives. He said the country transformed its economy by tapping into areas where the country has advantages.

"Transforming the economy by transcending challenges and tapping into areas where the Maldives has comparative advantages. The vision for a more prosperous and harmonious Maldives with greater international leverage, where its people are independent, empowered and self-sufficient. At nearly USD 8000, the GDP per capita of the Maldives is the highest in the South Asia region. This is a significant increase from under USD 200, 50 years ago,” President Yameen said.

The President also stressed that development undertaken by the current administration created 90 thousand employment opportunities for youth.

"In a knowledge-based economy where there is greater reliance on intellectual capabilities than on depleting natural resources, investing in youth is a prerequisite for sustaining and enhancing economic growth and resilience. I encouraged the youth to realize their dreams by exploring and seizing available opportunities. The development projects undertaken by the Government will create 90,000 employment opportunities for the youth and will be conducive to achieving the overarching target of doubling the per capita income in 5 years,” the President said.

To redress income disparities that arise from geographic dispersion, the President emphasized population consolidation as one of the most pressing hurdles to the Government, and therefore of high priority. In this regard, he shed light on the Hulhumalé Youth City currently being developed to provide comfortable housing and equitable amenities, expected to meet the needs of nearly three quarters of the population.

The President further highlighted other mega development projects underway, including the modernisation and expansion of Velana International Airport. President Yameen noted that the project involves a new runway, more parking bays and a brand new terminal building. He remarked that these improved facilities will collectively make the airport one of the best in the region, and will cater to no less than 7.5 million passengers.

The President also noted that the development of the airport is essential towards the realization of another objective of the Government which is the opening of 50 new resort hotels. He stated that these projects will quadruple tourist arrivals in the coming few years.