
Tourist arrivals in 1st quarter increase by 8% - MMA statistics

Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA)'s latest statistics have shown an 8% rise in the total number of tourist arrivals visits in the first half of this year compared to that of last year.

The latest statistics further revealed that the tourists originating from Europe and Middle East have seen a major increase whereas the number of tourists from the Asia Pacific region has witnessed a decline.

The major increase in the European region was contributed due to the increase in the number of tourists from countries such as Germany and Russia. The total number of Chinese tourists has seen a decline whereas the number of Indian tourists has inflated.

Middle Eastern countries such as United Arab Emirates have boosted the total number of this region to increase. The average number of days the tourists spend in Maldives was at 5.6 back in 2016 whereas now it stands at 5.7. The total number of tourist visits to Maldives in the first half of this year has grossed over 85,000.