
Government to deliver 75% of country with sewerage and water

Minister of Environment and Energy, Thoriq Ibrahim revealed that the aim is to establish proper sewerage and freshwater system in 75% of the country by the end of President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom's first term in office. The Environment Minister made the statement in a special programme aired on PSM News.  

Speaking on the programme aired on PSM news on the occasion of Independence Day, the Minister of Environment and Energy, Throriq Ibrahim revealed that the environment sector is one of the major sectors the current administration focuses on. The Environment Minister further revealed that the environmental sector has been one of the weakest sectors which was not properly addressed by the earlier administrations.

Environment Minister Thoriq Ibrahim highlighted that the environmental sector is one of the prime focuses and that the current administration would install sewerage and sanitation systems in over 50 islands by the end of the first term of President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom. Minister Thoriq also highlighted the prioritization of installing freshwater system in the islands. The Minister revealed that prior to the current administration took office in 2013, only 6 islands, including the capital city Male' has fresh water systems.

However, Minister Thoriq noted that in the past 3 years, the government has successfully installed fresh water systems in 17 islands, with work ongoing to establish freshwater systems in further 20 islands. The Minister also revealed that projects to install freshwater systems in another 6 islands would be contracted before the end of the current term.

Minsiter Throiq also highlighted the achievement of providing uninterrupted electricity service to all the islands by 2014. In his Independence Day speech, President Yameen has pledged major developments in the environmental sector before the end of his first term in office.