
Constitutional, legal system is designed for deadlock: President

President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom in his address to the nation on the occasion of Maldives’ 52nd independence day, has stated that the Maldives Constitutional and legal system has been designed for a deadlock, enabling the President to be presented to the public with one hand tied behind his back in performing duties of the post.

President made reference to the constitutional experts researching the Maldivian constitutional and legal system, stressing that the constitutional framework of the Maldivian system has loopholes allowing enemies of the state to meddle in governmental and state affairs. He further noted that constitutional framework introduced in 2008, is too burdensome and complicated for a country with such limited resources and man power and this complexity is most evident in the Maldivian electoral framework.

Whilst shedding light upon our electoral framework, President noted that during the 9 years that has passed after the ratification of the 2008 Constitution, 7 national elections have been held, resulting in every 466th member of the population to be a salaried elected official. President further noted, that at this point in time of nation’s development the question each every one of those elected officials should be asking, is whether or not their primary responsibility is to protect the interest of the people and whether or not their obligation is one of a trust.