
President Yameen congratulates the President-elect of India

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has congratulated the President-elect of India, Ram Nath Kovind.

In his message, the President extended his warm congratulations and sincere good wishes on the successful election as the President of India. President Yameen further expressed confidence that under the leadership of Ram Nath Kovind, India will achieve greater heights of progress and prosperity.

While reflecting on the close friendly relations that exist between the Maldives and India, President expressed hope to working closely with Kovind on matters of mutual benefit for both countries and exploring further avenues of collaboration between the Maldives and India. He also indicated belief that close cooperation that exist between two countries and its people will flourish during Kovind's term of office.

The President concluded his message by conveying his personal best wishes for the good health and well-being of Kovind, and the assurances of his highest consideration.