
Maldives participates at HLPF on SDGs 2017

A High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development Goals 2017 is underway at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Forum is held to review the progress made towards Sustainable Development Goals. Maldives is among the 44 countries that will present their progress towards the SDGs via a Voluntary National Review.

The delegation of Maldives is headed by Minister of State Abdullah Majeed. The Voluntary National Review of Maldives will be presented State Minister Majeed during the Ministerial Segment of the HLPF, on the 19th of July.

The Voluntary National Review of Maldives will highlight the plans developed and steps taken to create an enabling environment to implement the SDGs in the Maldives. The report will also highlight the challenges faced by Maldives in the implementation process, particularly as a small island developing State.

The HLPF 2017 is held under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council and will be underway from 10th July 2017 to 19th July 2017.