
Ruling PPM-MDA coalition loses majority in the Parliament

Ruling coalition, Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) has lost the majority in the Parliament, following a large number of parliamentarians defecting to the opposition.

The parliament has 85 members with at least 43 members are required for a party to gain majority. Thus far, the ruling coalition had the majority of the parliament, with 54 parliamentarians representing PPM, MDA and independent parliamentarians. However, in recent days, a large number of parliamentarians have left PPM which has caused the government to lose its majority in the parliament. This all coincides at a time when opposition coalition is attempting to pass a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker.

Meanwhile, Attorney General's Office submitted a constitutional matter to the Supreme Court which would strip parliamentarians of their seats under specific conditions. The constitutional matter filed at the Supreme Court cites that parliamentarians would be stripped off their seats if they defect to another party. In addition, parliamentarians can be stripped off their seats if they are removed from the party.

So far, 11 parliamentarians have left PPM, which leaves the party with 35 members and MDA with 5 members. Therefore, the government coalition has only 40 members in the parliament. The rest of the parliamentarians are combined of 7 members of Jumhoory Party (JP) and 21 members of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP). Currently, there are 17 independent members in parliament, which includes the 11 parliamentarians who have left PPM in the recent days.