
Signatures of PPM members forged - Majority leader Nihan

The Majority Leader of Parliament Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik accused the opposition of obtaining signatures of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) members for no-confidence motion against the parliament speaker through compulsion and forgery.

The no-confidence motion against the speaker was submitted to the parliament for the third time today, with signatures of 45 parliamentarians.

The no-confidence motion submitted against Parliament Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed had signatures from nine PPM parliamentarians, Nihan, who also represents Villimale Constituency in the parliament stated while speaking to PSM News. 

Nihan said he believed some of the signatures were forged and added that some signatures were also obtained during times when the members were having conflicts with the party. The conflicts will be resolved through the party prior to the date set for taking the no-confidence motion against speaker, Nihan assured. He expressed confidence that the government coalition will be able to prevent the no-confidence vote against the speaker from being passed.

Members who signed the motion include, parliamentarians from Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Jumhoory Party (JP) and PPM. However, MDP parliamentarian Ahmed Nashid refrained from signing the motion. The ruling PPM dismissed the no-confidence motion passed against Speaker Maseeh on 27th March with 48 votes.