
Major components of the government's legislative agenda completed

The government of Maldives has completed major components of the government's legislative agenda up to the year 2016.

The legislative agenda aims to achieve the Government's goals set for the five years of the presidential term of President Yameen Abdul Gayoom. This agenda is an important tool in delivering various Government policies to the people.

The legislative agenda includes the recommendations of the government on aspects such as alterations to the law, making the governing bodies of the government accountable. The agenda also includes some laws needed to be implemented to bring in the changes as per the government's manifesto.

img:|Parliament in session - File Photo: Secretariat of Parliament

In the year 2014 the legislative agenda was brought in after detailed discussions with the legal courts, ministries and other authorities in Maldives. By 2017, the government has successfully implemented the some major bills to be implemented in order to establish and develop President Yameen's manifesto. These accomplishments include the implementation of the penal code and the law of special economic zone which comes under the government's economic policies. In addition to this, policies such as health services, development of Islamic University in Maldives, telecommunication law, children's rights law were passed by the parliament.

Furthermore, the government has implemented some major laws such as defamation act, freedom of expression and gender equality. The economic development sector has always been a priority of the current government, and in the past three years of presidency, President Yameen has ratified laws which would boost the development of this sector of the country.

98 percent of the parliament's contribution in legislative agenda was completed by the end of the 2016, according to the speaker of parliament Abdullah Maseeh.