
President sends his sympathy to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has sent a message of sympathy to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina, following the devastating landslides in Bangladesh.

The President’s message to the Bangladeshi Prime Minister reads as follows:

“I was deeply saddened to learn about the devastating landslides in Bangladesh, causing the loss of many innocent lives, the displacement of countless people, as well as irrevocable damage to infrastructure. At this time of national distress, the Government and the people of the Maldives join me in sending our profound sympathy to you, the Government and people of Bangladesh, and wish the recovery efforts every success,” the President’s message read.

President Yameen concluded his message by asking the Prime Minister of Bangladesh to convey sincere condolences to the members of the bereaved families, and reiterated solidarity with the residents of the hardest hit regions.