
Climate change affects the economic growth: Environment Minister

Minister of Environment and Energy Thoriq Ibrahim has stated that climate change affects the economic growth of the country.

Addressing the G7 Environmental Ministerial Meeting, the Environment Minister said that climate changes concern the economic development of the country and these issues need to be tackled. Stressing on the importance of working together to overcome the challenges faced by climate change, he said that Climate change is immeasurable in its vastness and that it requires the attention of the entire world rather than one individual country.

At the Environment Ministerial Meeting of the G7, Minister Thoriq called on officials to urge to take formative actions in tackling climate change. The Environment Ministerial Meeting of the G7 is attended by the Environment Ministers of the seven countries and the Commissioners of the European Union for Environment and Climate. Furthermore, the Environment Ministers of four outreach countries particularly committed to environmental policies, in representation of emerging countries: Chile, Maldives, Ethiopia and Rwanda are also taking part in the meeting.

Minister Thoriq Ibrahim departed to Italy on the 10th of this month to participate in the meeting. The Bologna meeting focuses on the priority themes of the global environmental challenge, such as the state of implementation of the goals set by the Paris Agreement to fight climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN 2030 Agenda.

For the first time, the Environment Ministers will discuss in a G7 meeting themes at the frontier between economy and environment: Environmental Tax Reform, Environmentally Harmful Subsidies, the role of Multilateral Development Banks, Green and Sustainable Finance. The meeting is attended by ministers from America, England, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and European Union's climate change commissioners.

Maldives is participating in the meeting as an outreach country. The governments of the Maldives work to minimize the impact of climate change.