
Government working on recovering the damages caused by tornado

Defense Minister Adam Shareef Umar has revealed that relevant authorities are working on recovering the damages caused by the tornado that hit Nilandhoo Island of Faafu atoll.

Following the tornado which hit Nilandhoo Island of Faafu Atoll, the Defense Minister visited the island accompanied with a special team. Speaking to PSM News, the Defense Minister stated that the numerous damages would be assessed and noted the tremendous effort put by the people of the island on such difficult time.


National Disaster Management Centre is currently monitoring and evaluating the situation of the island and residents. It is noteworthy that Police, MNDF and other relevant authorities are working together with the government to overcome the damages. During his visit, Defense Minister Adam Shareef visited the families affected by the tornado and observed the damages.

The tornado which hit Nilandhoo on the 1st of June caused massive damages to eight households and several other damages were caused to a number of households. The government of the Maldives is closely accessing the damages caused by the adverse weather conditions of Southwest Monsoon and are carrying out relief activities accordingly.