
Secretary of the CPC Guangxi Committee calls on Vice President

The Secretary of CPC Guang-xi Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of Guang-xi People's Congress of China, Peng Qing-hua pays a courtesy call on Vice President Abdulla Jihad.

During the call held this morning, at the President's Office, the Vice President highlighted that 2017 marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Maldives and China. Vice President Jihad and the Secretary of the CPC Guangxi Committee also discussed on further enhancing the existing economic and tourism relations for the mutual benefit of the two countries.In addition, the Vice President and the Secretary of the CPC Guangxi Committee discussed issues related to climate change and the importance of working together in order to overcome such challenges. The Vice President was accompanied at the call by the Bilateral Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ahmed Khaleel, Under Secretary at the President's Office Fayyaz Shathir and the International Spokesman at the President's Office Ibrahim Hussain Shihab.

The Secretary of the CPC Guangxi Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of Guangxi People's Congress of China Peng Qinghua was accompanied at the call by the Charge d'Affairs and Interim of the Embassy of China Yang Yin, the Director-General of the Guangxi Foreign Affairs Office Shi Donglong, the Director-General of the Guangxi Department of Commerce Jiang Liansheng and the Director-General of the Guangxi Tourism Development Commission Gan Lin.