
Ambassador of Maldives to Kuwait presents credentials to the Emir

The first Non-Resident Ambassador of the Republic of Maldives to the State of Kuwait, Abdulla Hameed, presented his Letter of Credence to the Emir of the State of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, today at a ceremony held at Bayan Palace, in Kuwait.

During the call following the ceremony, the Emir congratulated Ambassador Hameed on the commencement of his term and conveyed greetings and good wishes to President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom and the people of the Republic of Maldives. His Highness Emir also stated that the Government of the State of Kuwait will continue to assist Maldives.

Ambassador Hameed expressed appreciation on behalf of the people and the Government of Maldives for the assistance received from Kuwait in the socio-economic development of Maldives. Ambassador Hameed also briefed His Highness on the economic agenda of the Government and assured the commitment of Maldives to work with Kuwait on issues of common interest.