
Access road to be completed in 4 months: Thilafushi Corporation

Thilafushi Corporation has announced that work on the access road which would connect the mainland to the newly reclaimed area in the lagoon of Thilafushi would be completed within the next four months.

The reclaimed area is being developed as an industrial zone. Thilafushi is being developed as an industrial island. The access road which would connect the newly reclaimed area to the mainland, is to be developed in accordance with the latest trends.

The Managing Director of Thilafushi Corporation Ahmed Nasif estimated all work on the access road to be completed within four months. He described the access road as a heads-up for people who have already taken plots from the reclaimed area. He added that by the time the road is competed, water and electricity services shall also be provided to the reclaimed area.

Nasif said the access road would be just the tip of the iceberg with a project in the pipeline, to develop existing roads in Thilafushi. The road would be 831.9 metres long and 19.7 metres wide. The road will have two, 7 metre wide lanes bordered with solar led lights set 30 metres apart.