
Environment Ministry spends MVR171 Million to protect shorelines

Ministry of Environment and Energy says 9 seperate projects to protect the shorelines of environmentally vulnerable islands has been completed.

The Ministry said that 171 million Rufiyaa were spent on these projects.

Environment Ministry is currently conducting shoreline protection projects in another 6 islands at a cost of 85 million Rufiyaa.

In addition to these projects, Ministry of Environment is conducting several environment related projects in various islands.

These projects are funded by the state budget and foreign loan aids.

According to the Environment Ministry, over 70 islands have reported cases of coastal erosion, this year.

The Ministry further revealed that the survey teams are visiting these islands to gather information.

Coastal erosion is the wearing away of land and the removal of beach or dune sediments by wave action, tidal currents, wave currents, drainage or high winds.

Waves, generated by storms, wind, or fast moving motor craft, cause coastal erosion, which may take the form of long-term losses of sediment and rocks, or merely the temporary redistribution of coastal sediments; erosion in one location may result in accretion nearby.