
President Yameen inaugurates sewerage system of Kanditheemu

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has inaugurated the newly established sewerage system in Kanditheemu Island of North Miladhunmadulu Atoll.

Speaking at the inauguration, the President stated that the main aim of the Administration was to make Maldives a robust, developed, nation and highlighted the various development projects that are being carried out in this regard.

In his speech, the President noted that the main reason for empowering Government Companies were in line with the administration’s efforts to fulfil the needs of every citizens.

Stating that an administration’s main priority should be to guarantee the basic needs of the people, President Yameen pointed towards two major achievements; that of providing electricity for 24 hours and establishing pharmacies in all inhabited islands of the Maldives.

The ceremony also saw the presentation of a special plaque to President Yameen. On behalf of the island residents, the plaque was presented to the President by Kanditheemu Council President Ali Rifaaz.