
President Yameen is the true founder of PPM: PM Ilham

Dhangethi MP Ilham Ahmed said on Monday that President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom was the true founder of Progressive Party of Maldives.

MP Ilham was a member of the five-member committee set up to enact PPM.

Speaking to PSM News, MP Ilham said former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom had earlier wished to contest in court and reclaim leadership of Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party instead of forming a new party.

Ilham said President Yameen opposed this idea and advised to form a new party as reclaiming leadership of DRP would have been a lengthy court battle.

President Gayoom later joined President Yameen in strengthening PPM, and that Yameen played a pivotal role in seeking the backing of Gayoom, he said.

Speaking further, MP Ilham urged President Gayoom to respect the court decision over the PPM leadership dispute.

He also called on President Gayoom to not take any action that may incite strife in the country.