
High Court closes appeal hearings of PPM leadership dispute case

High Court on Saturday concluded appeal hearings of the Civil Court order on Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) to handover party reins to its Advisor – President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom.

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom was represented at today’s hearing by his daughter Yumna Maumoon.

Highlighting on the constitutional right to a free and fair trial, Yumna requested the presiding bench, on behalf of her father, for a fair and just verdict.

The court today announced the closing of the hearings, but have yet to name a date for the sentencing hearing.

The Civil Court ordered the handing over of power following a petition filed by two senior members of the party seeking court intervention to bring an end to the party’s leadership dispute.

They claimed President Gayoom was operating outside the party charter.

The Civil Court injunction effectively stripped party leader –President Gayoom of control of the party.

The court also declared the party’s Advisory Committee “ab inito”, on the grounds that President Gayoom had failed to seek recommendation from the party council in setting up the advisory committee, as per the party charter.

The ruling further said President Gayoom’s actions had been hindering PPM from functioning as a political party.