
LCCF concludes with field trip to Maamendhoo

Participants of the 3rd Laamu Climate Change Forum (LCCF) on Tuesday took part in a field trip to Maamendhoo Island in Laamu Atoll which showcased “My Maamendhoo, Clean Maamendhoo” project, which is supported through the Low Emission Climate Resilient Development (LECReD) programme.

The field visit was one of the side events the 3rd Laamu Climate Change forum. Participants travelled to the island in the morning and returned back to Gan in the afternoon.

The 3rd Laamu Climate Change forum, which was held in Gan from Sunday to Tuesday was the final forum to be implemented through the LECReD programme. The forum, themed “Learning from Laamu”, focused on sharing experiences and lessons learnt through the implementation of the LECReD programme, as shared by community stakeholders and national level partners.

Discussions at the forum were focused on extracting lessons from Laamu over three major topics: mobilising climate action and green growth within an integrated planning approach, replication and scaling up of initial results from Laamu, and improving the community awareness and public participation in order to achieve LECReD.

Several side events were held during the forum, including the inauguration of the Vector Control and Prevention Campaign and Introduction of Larvicide implemented by WHO and the Ministry of Health, and the inauguration of the Solar Panels Project implemented by LECReD programme (under UNDP component) and the Ministry of Environment and Energy.

More than 200 participants attended the 3-day forum, including high-level government officials, heads of participating UN organisations, leaders of private sector companies, representatives from national and local level authorities, academia and non-governmental organisations.

The LECReD programme is funded by the Government of Denmark under a grant assistance to address the issues of climate change in the Maldives. The 3-year programme is executed and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Ministry of Environment and Energy.