
Highest sacrifice is service in defence of nation: President

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has said the highest sacrifice will be that which is in defence of the nation, the state, and religion; and that there is no greater national duty.

The President made the remarks while speaking at the oath taking ceremony of the graduates of the 62nd Basic Training Course of MNDF. The ceremony was held at the MNDF headquarters, Bandaara koshi Wednesday.

In his speech, the President said that the highest priority of each MNDF officer was to defend the Islamic faith. He also said that defending and protecting the sovereign government was the paramount responsibility entrusted upon MNDF officers, by the constitution. He further underscored that defending the government was protecting the country’s sovereignty and overcoming our adversaries.

Speaking at the ceremony, the President also highlighted that MNDF officers must always adhere to their code of conduct, and obey their commanders.

The MNDF oath was administered during today's ceremony by Supreme Court Judge Uz. Adam Mohamed.