
Voters list published for upcoming Local Council Elections

Elections Commission published on Monday the voters list for the upcoming Local Council elections.

The commission said it will accept complaints of technicalities in the lists for the next ten-days.

The vote, slated for January 14, would see the election of 651 council members to island, atoll and city councils.

A recent amendment to the Decentralisation Act had slashed the number of council members, which the government says would save over MVR5 million every month in salaries and allowances.

Under the amendment, the number of island council members would be reduced from 925 to 589, while atoll council members would come down from 132 to 70.

Around 480 ballot boxes would be placed across the country for the vote.

The commission said nominations for the elections would be opened on October 26, and the exact number of ballot boxes would be decided with the finalisation of the voter registry.