
VP praises UNDP for 50 years of 'fruitful service'

Vice President Abdulla Jihad said on Wednesday that the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been a contributor to global development and has provided long-standing support in achieving socio-economic development goals around the world, including the Maldives. 

He made the statement while addressing at a celebratory event held at Hotel Jen in Male’ on Wednesday evening to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of the UNDP.

In his speech, Vice President Abdulla Jihad highlighted that “during the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP’s 38 years of operations in the Maldives, they have worked closely with government ministries and private partners to help realise a myriad of national plans which was in line with developmental aspirations of the Maldivian people.” He congratulated UNDP for providing 50 years of fruitful service around the globe.

In his speech, the Vice President shed light on UNDP’s assistance to the Maldives, including a diverse range of technical consultancy and financial support, that were expended to help eradicate poverty; protect the environment; improve livelihoods; build peaceful societies as well as manage risk and cultivate resilience in the face of the most critical threats to the country, such as climate change.

UNDP is a prime example of the kind of partnership that is needed from development partners for vulnerable countries such as the Maldives, he said, pointing out that the close partnership between the Government of Maldives and UNDP was thoroughly manifested in the process of achieving 5 out of the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the Maldives. He also took the opportunity to thank UNDP for the expertise and resources that were shared with national stakeholders to achieve this feat.

“We have learned important lessons in our endeavor to reach the MDGs; lessons that we could capitalize on to determine the route of the country’s development in the future. He also stated that the Government is working in partnership with UNDP to further accelerate the momentum gained in achieving the MDGs to integrate Sustainable Development Goals in national development plans and policies,” the Vice President further stated.

He shed light on the fact that United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2016-2020 has identified youth and children; gender; governance; and environment and climate change, as the key areas to focus in the formulation and implementation of national plans and policies. “The Maldives-UNDP partnership has had immense benefits to the country and its people and that it is with a positive outlook that we anticipate working with UNDP to bring greater prosperity to the Maldives in the future,” he added.

UN Resident coordinator and UNDP Representative Ms. Shoko Noda also addressed the function.

Cabinet Members and senior government officials attended the event along with the Vice President.