
7th Civic Education Meeting begins in Muli

The 7th Civic Education Meeting opened in Muli Island, Meemu Atoll on Wednesday.

35 institutions from the atoll are participating in the two-day meeting which was inaugurated by Home Minister Azleen Ahmed.

The Civic Education Meeting, organised by the Ministry of Home Affairs, is held in every atoll.

The meeting aims to build a responsible and informed community that participates in social development programmes and other activities while actively working towards the betterment of the region.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Home Minister Azleen Ahmed said participants will be provided information on the protection of the rights of children, reasons for the high divorce rate in the country, and the importance of supporting development projects conducted at regional and national level.

Officials from the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Juvenile Justice Unit, Juvenile Court, Maldives Police, Local Government Authority and the Home Ministry are facilitating the meeting.