
JCI Maldives confers TOYP award

Junior Chamber International (JCI) Maldives conferred Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award at a special ceremony held on Saturday evening at Dharubaaruge Convention Centre.

The Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award recognises young people under the age of 40 who have excelled in different fields.  

The recipients are selected by a judging panel.

This year’s winders are; Aishath Sheeneez Shakir, Dr Dhimna Fakir, Raniya Shabir, Shafa-ath Ahmed Zahir for humanitarian and voluntary leadership, Aishath Rafiyya in the category of political, legal, or governmental affairs,  Dr Aishath Muneeza and Ismail Hameed for business, economic, and entrepreneurial accomplishment, Public Service Media’s Director of Commerce and Marketing Ibrahim Nasreen and Dr Mariyam Waseema in the category of academic leadership or accomplishment, and  Aishath Nazima for personal improvement or accomplishment.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Youth Minister Naif Shaukath said that government gives priority to development of youth.

Speaking at the event, JCI Asia-Pacific regions Vice President Jennifer Gracey assured that JCI would continue to assist member countries in their efforts to empower youth.

President of JCI Maldives Yamin Adam said “the organisation is always working to empower youth and that such awards are also conferred to motivate young people to strive for excellence and serve as role models to others.”

At last night’s ceremony, Aishath Rafiyya, who won the award in the category of political, legal, or governmental affairs, was nominated to JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World Award.

Junior Chamber International (JCI) is a non-profit international non-governmental organisation of young people between 18 and 40 years of age. It has members in about 124 countries, and regional or national organisations in many of them. It has consultative status with the Council of Europe, with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and with UNESCO. It was founded in St Louis in 1915.