
Health Minister lauds WHO-SEAR meeting

Health Minister Abdullah Nazim Ibrahim on Tuesday said the ongoing WHO South-East Asia Regional Committee meeting will provide the Maldives an opportunity to bring about positive changes to its health sector.

Speaking to Public Service Media (PSM) after the morning session of the committee meeting, he said the key topic on agenda at the meeting, controlling non-communicable diseases in the region, is a major challenge facing the country’s health sector as well.

According to the health authorities, 80% of the deaths in the country are caused due to NCDs, including diabetes, hyper-tension and cardiovascular diseases.

“The committee meeting will assist us in efforts to reduce the prevalence of NCDs and further develop the health sector,” he said.

He added that “the meeting is a great opportunity for the Maldives and other countries in the region to obtain technical assistance from WHO, and each other in further strengthening health services.”  

Nazim also said that “the committee meeting is a good platform for health officials of all countries to come together and figure out ways in which they can help each other in overcoming NCDs and other pressing health related obstacles.”

Attaining the UN Sustainable Development Goals is also high on the agenda at the meeting.