
Arrest warrant issued for President Nasheed

Arrest warrants have been issued Tuesday for former President Mohamed Nasheed and former Vice President Mohamed Jameel Ahmed.

Police, in a statement, announced that the Criminal Court had also issued arrest warrants for Akram Kamaludeen and Abdulla Luthufee. President Nasheed and Jameel are currently living abroad in self-imposed exile. Police said the warrants order police to arrest and bring the four individuals back to the country for investigations.

The statement said President Nasheed is sought in connection with an investigation into an audit report from 2011, involving over MVR 1.8 million, and for fleeing after being allowed to seek medical treatment abroad while serving a 13-year jail sentence on terrorism charges. Police said Jameel and Akram Kamaludeen are sought in connection with two separate investigations.

img:|Abdulla Luthufee of Haajaraage in Henveiru Ward - FILE Photo: PSM News

The Criminal Court also issued an arrest warrant for Luthufee, who fled the country in 2011 while serving a life sentence for his involvement in the 1988 coup attempt. He escaped when he was allowed to travel abroad for medical treatment.