
HPA: Diarrhea cases spike across the country

Health Ministry on Wednesday urged the public to take precautions following a spike in diarrhea cases across the country.

According to the Ministry, an average of 1,500 diarrhea cases are being reported in Malé and the atolls each week.

Health authorities said the country sees an increase in diseases such as cold, flu and diarrhea during August every year compared to other months.  

Fathimath Rasheedha, Senior Public Health Programme Officer at Health Protection Agency (HPA), told PSM News that diarrhea can be contracted through consumption of bacteria contaminated water and food, and urged everyone to take measures to prevent the disease.

The agency urged people with symptoms of diarrhea to seek medical advice and take plenty of fluids.

Signs and symptoms associated with diarrhea include frequent loose and watery stools, abdominal cramps and pain, fever, blood in the stool and bloating.